For more than twenty years my foundation CHILDREN FOR TOMORROW has supported the mental health of children and their families who have been affected by the atrocities of violence, war and persecution. Our team of doctors and therapists offer these children unique specialized psycho therapeutic treatment for their traumas.


More than 70 million people were on the run in 2018, most of them from Syria, Afghanistan and Sudan. Half of all refugees are children and adolescents. They often experience war in their home country,  violence while on the run and many loose family members as well. As a result they suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, sleep disorder and nightmares.


With our work we enable these children a better chance to integrate and assimilate while in exile so they can have hope for a healthy future. We heal the inner wounds, 


If a traumatic event occurs before the age of 11, the likelihood of developing a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is increased by over 30%. Beginning in 2017, CHILDREN FOR TOMORROW started the project HonigHelden! in cooperation with the school authorities. The project is designed for the special needs of refugee children aged 6 to 10 years old and takes place specifically in primary schools. The project is the first of its kind in Germany and closes the gap in the ambulatory care system.


In the last 20 years, CHILDREN FOR TOMORROW has been able to establish a unique therapeutic care for, not only refugee children, but also their families, through the Outpatient clinic in Hamburg. The multicultural and interdisciplinary 14-person Doctor and Therapist team provides care for up to 500 children a year, most of them coming from Guinea, Egypt, Syria, Eritrea, Somalia and Afghanistan.


Since 2006, CHILDREN FOR TOMORROW has been helping in the neediest parts of Asmara, Eritrea, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education. We opened a kindergarten which provides psychiatric treatment for traumatized children, further education for teachers and families as well as psycho-educative programs. An average of 360 children participate in this project every year.


Since 2009, CHILDREN FOR TOMORROW supports therapeutic treatments in Kampala, in the North of Uganda. In cooperation with the local hospital, traumatized children and their families receive treatment in individual and group therapies, with outreach programs in camps and schools as well as further education for teaching staff and therapists.